Smartcryptos Inventions

Smartcryptos Assets

With greatest commitment to creativity and as the creator of Nobel Prize Vision School©, where the Nobel Prize Thinking©, the Nobel Prize thinking process©, the Nobel Prize creativity© are all elaborated and many other works on creativity like School of Creativity, Intelligence and Future Inventions© – Sci-fi©, Master of Business Creation© - MBC©, Smartcryptos© and many more, we have created a huge assets treasure repository. Smartcryptos inventions span several fields and continue the enormous assets treasure build up to permanent prosperity.
Economics Inventions, Financial inventions, Social Inventions, Tech inventions, Educational Inventions, Scientific inventions, Product inventions, Service inventions, Business inventions and the ultimate End Recessions inventions as in are all the standing testimony.

Smartcryptos science

Smartcryptos inventions

Human intelligence Smartcryptos origination and formation were born on the sheer angst of mindlessness of crypto coins from the start of bitcoins and others that followed. The craze for bubble crypto coins was so appalling due to some really strange and inexplicable mindset of people, which defied all human intelligence, and traditional wisdom of life itself. From time immemorial, people gambled lost or gained on some notional skills, luck, expectations and of course greed. Here, while gambling, the value of money is firm, the value of exchange is the same, but the value of returns are not the same because it is a gamble and expected to be much higher, but definitely within some logic. The expected value of returns has a historic reference and very grounded perceivable value assessments. These gamble valuations have intrinsic values of higher limits. In card games, in casinos, in games of chance, in sweepstakes, everybody knows what the maximum value of gains are. In bubble crypto currencies, fiat currencies are exchanged for bubble currencies without any intrinsic values. The returns in bubbles are promoted with 10000 or 100000 or million times the investment without any logic or reason. So, to begin with, there is no intrinsic value but imaginary value simply, randomly, blindly given and pumped up to any extent as the exchange value or market value or demand and supply value and so on. So everything about bubble crypto currencies is imaginary. Higher value, lower value, no value, exchange value are all phenomenally stupid, as it is meaningless. But the concept of decentralized crypto currency is wonderful, so we thought this concept must not wither away and created a new life with human intelligence as a base for it to live forever and the Smartcryptos are born.

Economic Inventions

Smartcryptos are trillion-dollar multiverse projects created with the revolutionary maximum-security value shield, which is a new era of standard, safeguarding investments. There are 20 phenomenal Smartcryptos projects, which make Smartcryptos the fastest trillion dollar economics ever created. Smartcryptos inventions, innovations, discoveries, developments, intelligence and creativity will be continuous.

Financial Inventions

Human Intelligence Indicators - Hii ©. Finance is irrevocably associated with human life. Human Intelligence Indicators will guide human life with financial stability in all human actions. Smartcryptos human intelligence indicators are collective human intelligence indicators of varieties of subjects covering all aspects of human life. Smartcryptos human intelligence indicator is the most valuable indicator for the future of humanity. The Smartcryptos human intelligence indicator – Hii will work on everything human and will always evolve, keeping in tune with human advancements.

Social Inventions

Human Intelligence as Human Right

Human Intelligence is Human Right©. Smartcryptos take pride in declaring a new human right charter to establish human intelligence is the right of every human being forever. Every human being is entitled to human intelligence without any restrictions whatsoever. Every human being is free to do anything human intelligence stands for. Every human being is free to express human intelligence and live a life without fear of expressing human intelligence.

Knowledge Grammar and Mind Grammar

Knowledge Grammar and Mind Grammar are created for the first time in human history, which are absolutely fitting the condition of Nobel prize award which is ”the work that bestows the greatest benefit to humankind ”. Knowledge and Mind grammar are huge subjects of deep learning above and beyond introductory game forms in the grammar games. Besides having the capacity of winning the Nobel Prize, this knowledge and mind grammar will make everyone develop their capabilities to win Nobel Prize and this is the primary quality of this work. That is, knowledge grammar and mind grammar not only bestow the greatest benefit to humankind but every human who has learnt well the knowledge and mind grammar will also get the capabilities to bestow the greatest benefit to humankind is the core idea of it.

Langugages Smartcryptos Inventions

Language Smartcryptos is another prodigious invention based on human languages from all over the world. For mining language Smartcryptos, new game inventions of language grammar and future Nobel Prize winning knowledge grammar and mind grammar and over 200 new games for intelligence honing and literacy propagations are invented in all the languages of the world. These games will be the mining hub of language Smartcryptos coins.

Future of Humanity

Human Intelligence Vs. Artificial Intelligence

Hi is human intelligence and Ai is artificial intelligence. Human intelligence is creating artificial intelligence, to replace human intelligence. We leave it to your judgement. Enhancing artificial intelligence and rendering human intelligence useless, is the work most big companies are involved with. We are working for human intelligence enhancement, which is perfecting human skills to survive without Ai.

Tech Inventions

Smart Web 4

Web 4 – Smart Web 4. Now comes our Smart Web 4©, made for Smartcryptos, the universe's first intelligent internet©, the human intelligence development platform, where read, write, transact, interact, build, establish, contribute to intelligence and knowledge and earn is the core ideology. In Web 4 the nodes are individual human brain and intelligence and not the computers. Individual human brain as a node becomes phenomenal leapfrogging in the human evolution bringing forth a hither to unheard of human intelligence cohesion.

Broad Chain

Human Intelligence integrated Broad Chain ©. Smart Web© is about new Broad Chain© technology which is an integration of human intelligence, human welfare, knowledge, life and crypto money. In Broad Chain, individual humans/human brains are the nodes (not computers).

Educational Inventions

Language Smartcryptos

LANGUAGE SMARTCRYPTOS IS THE KEY TO LITERATE WORLD. Language Smartcryptos is another prodigious invention based on human languages from all over the world. For mining language Smartcryptos, new game inventions of language grammar and future Nobel Prize winning knowledge grammar and mind grammar and over 200 new games for intelligence honing and literacy propagations are invented in all the languages of the world. These games will be the mining hub of language Smartcryptos coins.

Trillion Dollar Knowledge Schools ©

School of creativity, intelligence and future inventions - Sci-fi©
Project Outlay = 1 billion USD, Project Reach = world in focus, Project Demography = Worldwide, Social Transformation = total world, Social Benefits = Inventions and innovations absolute realization for humanity about existence and human future. Social Good = every human’s existence towards a better world, conscious understanding for bettering, being human is to invent and innovate. Employment = direct 5000, indirect 500000

Nobel Prize Vision School©
Project Outlay= 100 million USD, Project Reach = world in focus, Project Demography = Worldwide, Knowledge Transformation = total world, Social Benefits= absolute realization for humanity about existence and human future, Social Good = The Nobel Prize Vision School constantly prepares every thinking human being to the new frontiers of thinking, boldly dabbing into realms beyond the established limits of truth. Employment = direct 1000, indirect 100000

Master of Business Creation©
Project Outlay= 500 mill USD Project Reach = world in focus, Project Demography = Worldwide, Knowledge Transformation = total world, Social Benefits= absolute realization for humanity about existence and human future, Social Good = The Master of Business Creation is for creating innovative society, giving everyone a new better world. Employment = direct 2000, indirect 100000

Smartcryptos Project Great Olympics Learning and Development School© - GOLDS©
Project Outlay= 1500 million USD Project Reach = world in focus, Project Demography = Worldwide. Social Good = maximization of human actions = total world, Social Benefits = School to train Olympic winners—not just another sports facility but a complete life school of Olympics. When a student graduates, the school brings out new talent to the world and with every one of the new talent, smart crypto coin owners enhance their holdings and also get rewards lifelong as every talent achieves a win. Besides that, there are student benefits, mining, commercial, trade benefits, broad chain management of sports, betting, etc., where the students, teachers, community, smart crypto coin holders and nations will all benefit without any connection to one another. Employment = direct 2000, indirect 200000

Service Inventions

Democratised decentralised Finance
For the first time in the world of humans, true democracy is born with Smartcryptos. In simple words, in capitalism all is for profit, where rich and poor is approved way of existence. In socialism, all profit is for the state. Power and powerless along with rich and poor is approved. In government controlled finance, be it any policy it is the same old story. Smartcryptos money is Cooperative federalism a true democracy in finance.

Smart Wallet
World's first physical- digital wallet invention

Smart Insurance
Smart Insurance covers for nation-building are need of the hour as every citizen is aware of national identities in the wake of globalization. The individual ’s perception of what is good for the entire nation has taken the political system by storm, which can be seen as a game changer. The last witnessed is the most riveting Brexit. In such scenarios, any government ’s survival will entirely depend on nation-building. In the highly creative nation-building process, we have invented 12 insurance schemes, hitherto not heard of, but highly valuable to modern societies, which will set a pioneering trend and bring extreme betterment for its people. These are not mere insurance covers but also constant monitoring apparatus and marketing exercises to usher in the best of results for the society.

Smartcryptos Human Intelligence Hub

Pioneering Human Intelligence Assets Human intelligence NFOs – Non-Fungible Ownership but transferable Human intelligence assets.

Pioneering Human Intelligence Exchange All human intelligence assets are non-fungible and valuable. Such assets class will not be complete without Human intelligence exchange, where realization of values are possible.

Pioneering Human intelligence online depository and library. Human intelligence online depository and library. The world has evolved because of human intelligence. Everything is human intelligence. The human intelligence library size and scale is a mind-blowing project seen to be believed.

Business Inventions


The world's first SATELLITE Internet real estate ecosystem is a new research and development leading to pioneering works of internet Real Estate Ecosystem- RECOSYSSAT© which presentations, will give mind-blowing experiences, never experienced before. We have created very essential and pioneering 62 phenomenal internet real estate inventions. Project Outlay= 10 biIlion US $., Project Reach = worldwide Project Demography = human habitat, Social Transformation = country wise, Social Benefits = perpetual real estate income, real estate fair pricing, Social Good = performing assets, overall development, prosperous society, education, Employment = direct 25000, indirect 1500000.

Project Health for All © - HFA©

Project Outlay= 12 billion USD, Project Reach = 3% India in focus, Project Demography = India, Social Transformation = total India, Social Benefits = food management regularization, farmers’ suicide prevention, perpetual farm management, Social Good = prevention of suicide of farmers health for all, overall development, prosperous society, Employment = direct 200000, indirect 4000000

Internet of people© - IoP© and its first people - MOM© - Mature Objectives Management©

We are creating a new perfect mom, a new universe of peace, love, security, happiness, for every human, through our coinage and creation called Internet of people© - IoP© and its first people - MOM© - Mature Objectives Management©. When terrorism, violence, destructive hatefulness, massacres, killings, radicalization and all paths to these are eradicated, definitely the world will become a better place and precisely this is what MOM will achieve. Project Outlay= 1 billion US$., Project Reach = World in focus, Project Demography = world, Social Transformation = happy humanity, Social Benefits = all pervading happiness, crime prevention, efficiency betterment, carnage cessations, Social Good = totally peaceful society, energy focus on developments, prosperous society, Employment = direct 20000, indirect 200000


Smartcryptos Humachines© HUMAN MACHINES – HUMACHINES © will change the world of human beings to an extent that we not only become super beings but also will leave behind and discontinue being a product of Darwinian evolutionary consequence. This will be the beginning of real Human evolution from being nature controlled or natural selections controlled to self-tinkering and self-controlled system of evolution. Humachines© or Human machines are specialized machines unlike any machines so far conceived by mankind. These machines are conceived to be a part of human body giving something extra in terms of abilities and making human beings super beings Project Outlay= 1 billion US$., Project Reach = World in focus, Project Demography = world, Social Transformation = happy humanity, Social Benefits = all pervading happiness, crime prevention, efficiency betterment, carnage cessations, Social Good = totally peaceful society, energy focus on developments, prosperous society, Employment = direct 20000, indirect 200000


XR© Trillion Dollar Universe © Pioneering Tech© SMARTCRYPTOS VE R ME©, VR CINEMA©, XR© -XTENED REALITY© and more.Great capacities of Quantum Computers are so vast a complete usage for QCs are yet to be invented. Well we have. With our XR©, many quantum computers can be employed, commercially. Welcome To Smart Cryptos One Trillion Dollar Universe. Project Outlay= 1 billion US$., Project Reach = World in focus, Project Demography = world, Social Transformation = happy humanity, Social Benefits = all pervading happiness, crime prevention, efficiency betterment, carnage cessations, Social Good = totally peaceful society, energy focus on developments, prosperous society, Employment = direct 20000, indirect 200000

Product Inventions

Hi Smart Products© HIP© HIPS© HiP© Hips© hips©. Generally speaking, Human intelligent Products - HIP© can be included in the internet of things but not beyond. Hi Products can work without internet, though Smart Web 4 can make them more autonomous. Hi Products developments will become possible because of Smart Web 4. Once the foundation of Smart Web 4 is assimilated, innovations from all around will create a new world of Human intelligent products - Hips©/ Hip©. Working on the Smartcryptos and Smart Web 4, has opened up 50 Hip© possibilities and it keeps growing. We are tempted to say that Hips© are the future of the world, definitely not a dim, distant and no impact on the present, future, but in about a year or two future.

End Recessions Inventions

Smartcryptos National Poverty Alleviation Programs.

Poverty is manmade. Poverty is lack of work. Alleviation is finding work. Let us forget economics for a while. Let us go back to simple living, like any other lifeform. Food, survival, procreation, taking care of young ones and the life cycle, everything is work. Every creature has to work for food, for survival and so on. There is absolutely no poverty for any lifeform other than humans. No creature is rich or poor. Only difficulty with other lifeforms is food. When food supply is not available, they have to perish for they cannot manufacture food.

But in human it is different. Humans bestowed with intelligence can manufacture food and a whole lot of things, which are the present world of things. With this, no human need be poor, that is without food, without clothes, without shelter, without education, without basic amenities like good water, electricity, medicare, and so on. But yet why more than 40% of humans are absolutely poor?

It is easy to abolish poverty by Smartcryptos.

Please visit for further information.

Welcome to the historic smart crypto coins never before thought of. Our white paper on GOLDen crypto investments in Diamond, Gold, Copper mines and precious stone mines, alluvial gold dust quality 22+ carat and gold bars with a purity of 99.9999% will open up hitherto unheard of smartcrypto coins, shattering all the myths about crypto investments. The myth that crypto investments are in bubbles is burst. If someone thinks crypto investments are in bubbles then change it to gold. Anytime our gold smartcrypto coins can become gold coins and vice versa. Now smart cryptocurrency based on gold will always glitter as the standard scale of wealth. What government-run fiat currencies cannot do, our gold smart crypto coins will do. Gold mining smart crypto coins will be the most pioneering new world economic order with double mining, physical gold mining and Hi - smart crypto mining. Security of gold and floating like crypto is the smartcrypto. Smartcryptos will be the only crypto coin giving weight to all the crypto coins in the world for them not to float away into oblivion.

Internet of Gods©

SMARTCRYPTOS QUANTUM COMPUTER PROJECTS IOG© —INTERNET OF GODS©, IOP©—INTERNET OF PEOPLE©, VE R ME©, VR CINEMA©, HUMACHINES© —HUMAN MACHINES©. Smartcryptos are always for heaven and earth. Hence, the Internet of Gods© must act instantaneously. Gods must be super fast. So quantum computers will be okay for Gods. Ordinary computers are for people. But other projects like the internet of people©, ve r me©, vr cinema©, Humachines© — human machines© can also function in quantum computers, Gods will never mind.

For all the projects white papers are ready. All the projects are based on very exclusive patent intellectual properties without which the projects will not be able to function. We are looking for able collaborators all over the world. Together we will make Human Intelligence (HI) Smartcryptos the way of life.

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