How did human intelligence as a human right come about? In our research of Smartcryptos making, it became self-evident the humanity has stopped considering itself intelligent. This can be found across the world when intelligence is mentioned anywhere, it is received with caution as though intelligence is something to be strongly focused upon uncomfortable situation. By this attribution, it is an open acknowledgement that normally all human beings are not intelligent or at least going about their life without being aware of being intelligent. Going about life, a routine, mundane work is not intelligent, doing routine mundane work and earning money and living life is not intelligent, all the creatures we see going about their life is not intelligent. Very, very wrong, absolutely incorrect, totally tarnished view of intelligence. It is amazing how humans have distanced themselves, a distance so big that has made us total strangers to what intelligence is all about. This is the biggest malady of the human race.

Then by the present standards who is intelligent? How many are there?

An easy and generally very acceptable answer is only a handful of people are intelligent, those who have become extremely rich starting from nothing, those who have big powers, those who have contributed to developments that have changed the world of human beings. This sort of answer has effectively put off intelligence for 99.9999999 percentage of people on this planet from time immemorial, as the demands of intelligence are so impossibly huge and off- putting for any intelligent thinking. This one thinking, ‘people are not intelligent’ has made all the power centers all over the world extremely arrogant, without an iota intelligence for themselves. Hence the new vital social innovation, ‘Human Intelligence is Human Right’.

Human intelligence Slavery

Human intelligence slavery by convention, slavery by practice, slavery by any act of control is against human rights. Physical slavery is abolished and finished. Here it is the mental slavery we are talking about. Any human subjected to intelligence slavery or totally controlled by force to suppress any expression of intelligence is against human rights.

Human intelligence oppression

All human intelligence oppressions are a direct act of defeating human intelligence by brute force, making people obey the authority. This act is equal to slavery.

Human intelligence suppression

Human intelligence suppression is less direct than oppression, but still is an act of injustice against human intelligence, as it is schematic and fully accountable. Human intelligence suppression endangering life by wars, by management, by mismanagement are all human rights violations.

Oppression of personal freedom of intelligence.

This is the age of human intelligence. Any oppression of human intelligence is against human rights. Every human is entitled to personal freedom of intelligence. Everybody knows everything. Those that control majority human beings are not having any extra intelligence than the rest of others. It is only by force of power the control takes place. If the power is removed, control is also removed. Those in power know this. So, they constantly suppress intelligent thinking of the masses. Most of the time, various channels of independent intelligence developments are very actively removed and suppressed deliberately in the name of elderly care for the masses. It does not require supernatural being, to rule over human beings.

Human intelligence suppression by manipulation

Human intelligence suppression by manipulation. The example is government policies, crypto currencies, consumer markets, addictions, where human intelligence is suppressed for gains.

Some common facts everybody knows are:

There are people to write codes, but they do not know what to write for.

There are people to do programming but they do not what to program.

There are people to work on new tech but they do not know what tech?

There are people to execute great works but they do not know what works.

Above all, there are people with money to invest but they do not know where to invest.

Enter crypto bubbles, chaotic, schizophrenic investment mania hoping to rule the world! Emperor’s new clothes, yes everybody wants one, after all who will miss out being in the new fashion, nobody in the right mind will want to be seen dead in a ridiculous bygone era clothes!! Emperor’s new clothes made with crypto currencies!!! Buy it as much as possible before they say ‘sold out’. It will happen. Crypto currency fabric! So wonderful! So transparent! So see through! It's so so as if it is not there!

How else will it be, emperor?

Hans Christian Andersen’s Emperor’s New Clothes keeps us grounded. ‘The Ugly Duckling!’ another marvel by him reminds us about Smartcryptos. Smartcryptos is the ugly duckling being born amidst crypto crashes and busting bubbles and inflation, and what not? Yes, it is true, the ugly duckling growing into a beautiful swan. Well, the end of the story, but the beginning of Smartcryptos. Any day fairytales ending is the better than the bombastic bubbles beginning.

More on Emperor’s New Clothes… er… New Money.

Money by machines (mining) and artificial intelligence will create huge rich-poor divide, unfairly deadly worst of all the human greed. How? Machines taking over and artificial intelligence producing the best of products and services without any human interventions are sold for money. Money is not required for machines. Only a very few humans who own these machines require money. Then, through the control of money, human intelligence will be stifled and humans, barring a few will be relegated to menial works controlled by machines. Crypto currencies, block chain, machine mining, artificial intelligence, deep learning, robotics, quantum computing are all very fine and beautiful. But there is a limit.

Already crypto currencies and block chain have proven all chartered accountants are redundant. True. When everything is accounted for, by block chain, where is the need for a chartered accountant? I saw a video of Elon Musk, where he said 90% of all the jobs in the manufacturing sector would be lost to AI. True. Here all engineers will be gone. In another video Google’s Sundar Pichai said artificial intelligence is superior in medical assessments. True. Here all doctors will lose their jobs. The conventional, most hard work requiring education and most respected well-paying jobs of Doctors, Engineers and Chartered/ Certified Accountants are all destabilized.

If this is the case of top jobs, there are absolutely no brownie points for guessing of jobs of blue-collar strata in the value chain. Of course, the blue-collar jobs suffering huge setbacks are because the highly educated top jobbers created all the machine learning, block chain, artificial intelligence, deep learning, robotics and quantum computing and what not. Then computer jobs are safe for humans? Far from it. If anyone on earth thinks that computer jobs are safe for humans, then it is abysmally pathetic. Right from simple coding to cloning AI machines, from simple computing to quantum computing, it is going to be machines. There is a machine learning system that can write its own code. Fundamentally, it creates new programs by combining existing lines of code taken from other software, which is what human coders do. The challenge of creating perfect AI systems are constantly met with greater and greater success, but it is also ensuring making oneself redundant in the process.

The entire system of education and employment, finance and economics, management and governing, people and society, knowledge and survival are all shaking. The good governments are unclear about these developments. They are facing a huge quandary of reconciliation of conventional systems and new developments. If the conventional systems are ignored, people will suffer, but if the developments are ignored, the future, which is never far away, will make people suffer even more. And then there is a huge threat of some other nation adopting all the developments and spearheading and becoming a leader of technology where other nations buy watered down technology from them. Here, the lack of knowing will make a nation poor. Though on one side, the perfection required for humanity is extolled but on the other side there will be perfection everywhere but no humans.

People in the know are truly concerned about crypto currency, AI and everything related to them. Here is the solution - the human intelligence Smartcryptos. Hi-Smartcryptos. Smartcryptos are the new technology of Broad chain and cryptocurrencies with human intelligence mining. Hi is purely human intelligence that is also responsible for the creation of Ai – artificial intelligence. Human intelligence Broad chain is the great new universe of knowledge we creating.

Smart web 4 is human intelligence web with a trillion dollar base of human intelligence economic growth activities to begin with. Though, strictly speaking, all economic activities of the world are human intelligence based and worth several trillion dollars in a large sense. Here Smartcryptos and smart web 4 have for the first time in the universe integrated economics primarily with human intelligence, totally breaking the all the rulers’ highbrow Economics, which are nothing but jargon filled, condescending, high pedestal, ivory-towered image of self-proclaimed know it all semi literates and sometime illiterates. If this statement is not true, then, inflations, poverty, inequality, rich—poor, lopsided policies, unhappiness of people, losing power and each and every economic malady of human society will also be not true.

The Britons ruled almost all over the world, it was described as “the empire on which the sun never sets". Britons amassed wealth from all over the world. It was all just 100 years back; Great Briton was the capital of the world for knowledge and intelligence, science and technology, economics and control of economies of vast regions of the world. When it roared, the world shivered. Now the roar has become a whimper and the world is amused. Why? Because Britons’ population of just 67 million people are reeling under tremendous pressure of inflation, British people are unhappy, sad and helpless. Economic havocs are insurmountable and for all that, the government is clueless to cure it, is what is making them laughable. This brings back to the rulers’ highbrow Economics, which are nothing but jargon filled, condescending, high pedestal, ivory-towered image of self-proclaimed know it all semi literates and sometime illiterates. This being the reality for the “Great Briton” what can be said about other nations. Human intelligence Smartcryptos hold the answer. Smartcryptos will always be governed by the collective intelligence of people, with all the repercussions open to everyone to partake, manage, sense and solve economic maladies.

Smartcryptos are trillion-dollar multiverse projects created with the revolutionary maximum-security value shield, which is a new era of standard, safeguarding investments. There are 20 phenomenal Smartcryptos projects, which make Smartcryptos the fastest trillion dollar economics ever created. Smartcryptos also removed the uncertainty bubble associated with crypto investments and rectified many loose aspects of cryptocurrencies. As human intelligence Smartcryptos are trillion-dollar multiverse economics, human language, human intelligence and everything human will work for Smartcryptos mining.

It is the long association with literacy, education, and the quality of life of people literacy and education made, brought forth the world’s first language cryptocurrency idea. Nowhere in the history of the world, old coins of bygone kingdoms or modern, present-day paper fiat currencies are language-based. Tracing the history of money, it is established that coins bore the head of the king or queen carved and when paper money got evolved, it was the head of the head of state that got printed on the notes. This is the first time in the world a language-based currency is created with the name of the language on the face of the coin. Ideally, this is the best representation of the face of currencies, be it fiat or crypto for language is more common at all times than a human face, even within a country. People are intelligent and that is why humanity has developed and grown and will continue to develop and grow and become the masters of their universe. All the new inventions that are previewed in this report are only for intelligence building and knowledge enhancements to take humanity to further heights.

Smartcryptos Preamble

Benefits of human intelligence as a human right.

  • Human intelligence awareness will become conscious for everyone.

  • Overall, human intelligence will improve many folds with this new human right.

  • Medieval mindset of people about individual intelligence excellence questioning everything is blasphemous, will end.

  • Medieval mind set of politics and authoritarian rule will cease.

  • Human intelligence, as it is articulated for the first time ever in the human right charter, will infuse human intelligence in all human activities and create a better world of intelligence.

  • Human intelligence as a character within human nature and as the product of human existence will make everyone realize human potentialities.

  • When people realize that there is human intelligence within everyone, the endeavor to do something with it will raise.

  • Humanity will achieve greater heights with wide spread human intelligence.

  • With the raise of human intelligence awareness, unintelligent divisions within human society will vanish.

  • Human intelligence will always have different perspectives. Every perspective will have to be respected, which is the core ideology of human intelligence.

  • Human intelligence will rule.

Human intelligence as human right© what does it give?

1. This is the first time in the human history human intelligence is defined as human right.

2. Human intelligence is absolutely about good equitable developments.

3. Human intelligence is absolutely against oppression and suppression of another human being.

4. Human intelligence is a personal right and a public right.

5. No authority is superior to human intelligence.

6. All dogmatic dominations over human intelligence, including personal preferences, are against human rights.

7. This is a historic defense against artificial intelligence controlling humans and human intelligence.

8. The human intelligence rights must be in the first of human rights.

9. Live a life without fear of expressing human intelligence. Galileo Galilei apologized and lived an oppressed life for expressing his intelligence about earth not being flat and earth rotating sun. Forever such oppressions must end.

10. Whenever and wherever human intelligence cannot be answered with human intelligence then it is considered against human right.

Some most obvious facts everybody knows:

Cryptocurrencies are unreal castles in the air. When Elon musk was asked, what was cryptocurrencies he admitted it was a hustle. Please check out the video. ( ). Need we say more?

All highbrow techs like block chain, smart contract, security techs and everything work to maintain the castles mentioned above.

Out of those who invest in cryptocurrencies, many people have no clear idea about crypto currencies, not only people but also governments of nations are clueless.

Smartcryptos Pioneering Human Right

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