Smartcryptos Smartonomics ©

Smartcryptos financials

Smartonomics / Smartcryptos science is Human life science, Human intelligence science, Taking care of humans’ science. The human approaches measurements science with creative inquiries, documentation, problems and solutions for the welfare of humans. Smartonomics Money is the bond between people and life. Money is common ground. Money is the biggest link and irreplaceable social networking©. Money is biggest social media©. Money is relationship in every way – buying - selling, employee – employer, rich – poor, society – family, etc. Money is emotional. Money is security. Money is threat. Money is society. Money is future. Money is intelligence. Money is coordinator, divider, multiplier, negotiator and unifier. Money is common ground. All these are absent in cryptocurrencies but Smartcryptos include everything about money and also modern, being digital, broad chains, private, etc.

Hi - Human Intelligence Upgradation

Smartcryptos Financial Highlight

Smartcryptos valuation one trillion USD
Smartcryptos Finance raising one billon USD
Smartcryptos Finance scaling (10% of valuation) 100 billion USD
Smartcryptos projects market capitalization 10 trillion USD
One Smartcryptos value 10 USD
Smartcryptos availability open
Smarcryptos instant market Project Outlay= 100 billion USD
Project Reach = worldwide with 30 countries in focus.
Project Demography = WORLDWIDE
Smartcryptos Life Pulse = Hi - Human intelligence.
Social Transformation = over 5 billion people’s intelligence up gradation.
Social Good = Universal human intelligence development, New universal literacy methods, new IQs development, new knowledge society, 100% literacy worldwide.
Social Vision = Human Intelligence enhancements
Employment = direct 180,000, indirect 20,00,000 people.
Tech Benefits = Innumerable .
Note worthy Benefits = Human Intelligence as human right.
Evolutionary Benefits = Human intelligence enhancements will push up the human intelligence evolution many folds.
Bench Marks = Human intelligence bench marks.
Future Avenues = Hi Smartcryptos overall human intelligence reach, even if it is adding just point zero zero one percent - 0.001%, one in thousand increase over the normal course of evolution, it will result in phenomenal human developments. Our estimate is 3.6% increase to human intelligence every year for the next 10 years.
Social Positive Impacts
Social Intelligence = incresing confidence trend
Social Knowledge = mark of attention
Social Efficency = increasing trend
Social Responsibility = New leadership mantra
Social Involvement = New leadership mantra
Social Awareness = New leadership mantra
Social governance = Sincereity
Social Negative Impacts
Political governance = will become difficult for the inefficient
Political = Bloodline power transfers will have negative value
Brute force = majority without Hi will vane.
Fear of Poltical/Governing power = Power of Hi backlash will anihilate everything.
Social Corruption = Face Hi backlash.

Entire human development has come about because of millions upon millions of questions humanity asked and found intelligent answers. Smartcryptos are all about human intelligence. Questions must be asked and intelligent answers must be found to build an intelligent new world. To begin, we have asked some one hundred plus questions and found answers to build a great new world of money called Smartcryptos. The pioneering concept of Smartcryptos has come into existence because of abysmal bubbles of crypto currencies without an iota of intrinsic value, where money, the fiat money, government currencies has been in existence from time immemorial built on the unshakeable intrinsic value systems. The intrinsic value of money is the huge foundation of money on which entire generations of humanity thrived. Life, intelligence, knowledge, future generations, future of humanity everything is based on thousands of value assessment systems - VAS©. Smartcryptos are two kinds the Smartcryptos general and Smartcryptos language, where each language is independent.

Copyright protected© ©The contents of this website is a pioneering work of originality which cannot be found anywhere in the universe. © This website is a copyright-protected, copyright reserved, patent, classified intellectual property. Any copying, lifting, plagiarism and any form of reference of the original ideas expressed herein, the business plan, the trade methods, the contents, expressions, creative quotations, the research findings expressed in this project, the concepts, the creative plans, the implementation procedure, nitty-gritty of businesses, market analysis, marketing ideas, the style and all expressed, seen, inferred and constructible, buildable, construable developments, in parts or whole are all strictly prohibited. © 2022 All rights reserved by the author and

Human intelligence Smartcryptos is the next big thing in the crypto world.

1. Crypto mining is automated machine mining without any human intelligence.
Smartcryptos is the world’s first human intelligence mining crypto. This is a big thing.

2. Human intelligence means it is not for unintelligent, right? Wrong. It is not about human genius; it is about human intelligence or being a human. All humans are intelligent. To make it even simpler, all humans are better evolved than animals and this is human intelligence. Thus, human intelligence Smartcryptos is a big thing in the crypto world.

3. The Financial world knows crypto currencies are without any intrinsic value. Human intelligence Smartcryptos are the only currency in the world with human intelligence as its intrinsic value. This makes it a big thing.

4. Money, either crypto or fiat, has no human intelligence attached to it. Smartcryptos are the only money in the world with human intelligence attached to it. This is a huge thing in human evolution.

5. Artificial intelligence is taking over. Artificial Intelligence is a sharpshooter. Human intelligence is a sitting duck. Human intelligence Smartcryptos is the only hope to revive, build and grow phenomenal Human intelligence.

6. Human intelligence Smartcryptos will save the entire monetary system of the world to human intelligence control. When money, the most precious survival exchanges for human life, is prevented from taking over by artificial intelligence, there is hope for humanity. Artificial intelligence deciding who will get money is dangerous for humans.

7. Human intelligence Smartcryptos are not just another crypto. It is the human intelligence exchange system. It is the one and only system of human intelligence in the world.

8. All the firing of employees from big corporate employers is just the beginning of artificial intelligence taking over. It’s time for Human intelligence to act.

9. The Financial world has always discriminated against the relatively poor by the strict hierarchy of riches. Smartcryptos are equal to all humans.

10. Artificial intelligence will suppress human intelligence. But for Smartcryptos, human intelligence preservation for humans will not be there. So Smartcryptos are not only the next big thing in the crypto world, it is the only thing bigger than everything in the human history.

11. Smartcryptos is the most secure investment ever innovated with the world’s first Investments Risk Ready-reckoner©. This innovation gives an absolute control of security in investments.

12. Smartcryptos are the only investment which will exponentially grow in value because of creative crypto aging© innovation. This is the first big thing.