Smartcryptos White Paper

  1. .What is smart crypto coin?
    Smartcryptos is the world’s first human intelligence mining of crypto currencies. Only humans can mine, no machine mining.

  2. What problems are solved by Smartcryptos?
    All crypto currencies are bubbles and all of them will burst one day or the other. Smartcryptos are also crypto currency but since all the human values plus human intelligence mining is the architecture of the Smartcryptos, it is stronger than even American dollars. In addition, Smartcryptos will have a physical existence with checkbook facilities and physical digital wallet© (our invention).

  3. Why smart crypto investments are the best?
    Because the value comes from the self of every human, values are enhanced by the self, values are developed by the self and values are reaped by the self, that makes the best investment. The investment on oneself.

  4. What is the guarantee Smartcryptos are the best investments?
    The owners control Smartcryptos investments. The owners of Smartcryptos can dictate the utmost maximum security for the investments.

  5. Why is it better than casinos?
    Smartcryptos can be 100% secure saving or 100% speculation intelligent gamble as per the control of individual owners. speculation with intelligence.

  6. How to earn Smartcryptos?
    When a human becomes a node, the earnings begin.

  7. What is smart about Smartcryptos?
    Intelligence, human intelligence.

  8. What are human nodes?
    Node is an individual computer connected to mining in crypto terminology. In Smartcryptos no computers are nodes, only humans are nodes. Computers remain tools, never the intelligence base. Only humans can be the intelligence base.

  9. What is human intelligence in Smartcryptos?
    Smartcryptos are human intelligence mining rewards. There are virtually thousands of fields of human intelligence. That is the specialty of Smartcryptos.

  10. What is the difference between Hi and Ai?
    Hi is human intelligence and Ai is artificial intelligence. Human intelligence is creating artificial intelligence, to replace human intelligence. We leave it to your judgement.

  11. What is Hi enhancement?
    Enhancing artificial intelligence and rendering human intelligence useless, is the work most big companies are involved with. We are working for human intelligence enhancement, which is perfecting human skills to survive without Ai and also to survive against Ai, when Ai takes over human life.

  12. How is Hi integrated in web?
    Smart web 4 is created only to integrate human intelligence in the web.

  13. What are language Smartcryptos?
    All knowledge accrue to humans through languages learning and perfecting. Language Smartcryptos not only help in languages learning and perfecting and, also earning for the efforts.

  14. How to earn language Smartcryptos?
    By playing smart language games, grammar games, all subject games, in the chosen languages or mother tongue.

  15. What is Smart Web 4?
    Smart Web 4 is the world’s first intelligent web. personalized. Personal intelligence web reflection of oneself in the web.

  16. What are the special techs behind Smart Web 4?
    Intelligent internet, broad chain.

  17. What is broad chain?
    Broad Chain is architectural web frame to make Smart Web 4 work.

  18. How is Broad Chain different from block chain?
    Block Chain is a narrow lane. Broad Chain is wide, several tracks highway but there ends the comparison. Broad can never be blocked and blocks can never be broad. Block Chain is a coupling, one attached to another and plays a very finite role. The nodes are given the work to be in the chain. The individual nodes are clueless about the overall picture. Broad Chain is the big picture where every pixel contributes to the picture. The pixels are contributed by the individual nodes to create a big picture. Here the pixels are human intelligence, the nodes are human beings, the big picture is the human intelligence repository and knowledge of intelligence of humanity. Here every human being builds the knowledge of intelligence and owns it. This is the broad chain.

  19. What is smart web net?
    Smart web net© is the total integration of human intelligence and human life and Smartcryptos money with internet.

  20. What will one lose in not coming in Smartcryptos?
    The realization that human intelligence is everything.

  21. What will one gain with Smartcryptos?
    The realization that human intelligence is everything.

  22. What are Smartcryptos projects?
    All Smartcryptos projects are human intelligence Master of Business Creation© - MBC© projects exclusively created pioneering businesses for the good of humanity.

  23. Why is Smartcryptos a trillion dollar project?
    Each and every project has scalability of one trillion dollars and more, within a duration of eight years.

  24. What are knowledge schools?
    Pioneering Knowledge Schools are the creations of Smartcryptos, Smartcryptos knowledge schools are presently four in number 1. Nobel Prize Vision School© 2. Sci-fi©-School of creativity, intelligence and future inventions 3. MBC© – Master of Business Creation© 4. GOLDS© - Great Olympics Learning and Development School©.

  25. Why crypto forms of money are bubbles?
    Because crypto money has no intrinsic value and their existence is absolutely meaningless to human values and very kindly described as bubble instead of pure fraud /hustle.

  26. Despite security measures for crypto coins why call it bubbles?
    High voltage securities and armies of armory protecting Bubbles cannot make bubbles any stronger.

  27. Smartcryptos are also crypto currencies then why is it not bubbles too?
    Digital currency is also called crypto currency. Smartcryptos are digital currencies with intelligent human values architecture and physical and digital structures. These are enormous value additions over and above the traditional fiat currencies, where the bubble image gets bust. All big counties are making their currencies digital, but that will not make them bubbles.

  28. What is human intelligence mining?
    To earn money, intelligence of some kind is involved. This intelligence is the starting point in Smartcryptos mining.

  29. How can humans become nodes?
    Every creature let alone humans is capable of intelligence within its own domain. This intelligence source is the node.

  30. What is sci-fi reality©?
    When reality is taking over science fiction, instead of fiction leapfrogging science, science itself becomes fictional and it is sci-fi reality©. Actually the expression Sci-fi reality*© is taken from another project of ours Sci-fi – School of creativity, intelligence & future inventions©.

  31. Why are Smartcryptos important for humanity?
    Smartcryptos work for and with human intelligence. With alarming speed of evolution of Artificial intelligence, Human intelligence enhancements become vital for humanity to survive.

  32. Is money intelligent?
    Fiat money makes people intelligent without awareness, Smartcrypto money makes people doubly intelligent with awareness.

  33. What is intrinsic value?
    Intrinsic value is intelligent human value for money and exchanges. Fiat currencies have great intrinsic values not only as government promissory notes, but also as social valuation systems and life associated value exchanges.

  34. What is the notional value of Smartcryptos?
    Notional value of Smartcryptos are time bound value. In five years, one Smartcrypto’s notional value is 100 US Dollars or equivalent if the US dollar is still the governing currency in five years, the opening value being 10 US$.

  35. How it is arrived at?
    The number of trillion dollar projects of Smartcryptos in five years will show how deeply undervalued is the notional value of Smartcryptos in five years’ time.

  36. What is Smartcryptos Human intelligence indicators?
    Smartcryptos human intelligence indicator is the most valuable indicator for the future of humanity. Smartcryptos human intelligence indicators are collective human intelligence indicators on verities of subjects covering all aspects of human life.

  37. What is Utility Quotient©?
    Utility Quotient© USE QUO© is the scientific open valuation scale of usefulness, a new study invented for Master of Business Creation specialization, under which over one hundred quotients are developed.

  38. How is Smartcryptos eternal?
    Smartcryptos are as eternal as humanity is. Smartcryptos are human intelligence value personification, figuration, where both givers and receivers represent human intelligence gratification. Here the exchange value is always human intelligence. Intelligence per say is eternal so is Smartcryptos.

  39. How is Smartcryptos dynamic?
    Human intelligence is all about dynamism anything based on human intelligence thus will always be dynamic.

  40. Why is Smartcryptos are called expanding universe?
    Smartcryptos are human intelligence crypto money. For any human intelligence project, the scalability is the foundation on which the strength of the project stand on. This scalability when multiplied and strengthened by intelligent humanity will become the expanding universe. Human intelligence Smartcryptos thus, will always be an expanding universe.

  41. What is MBC©? What way it is connected to Smartcryptos?
    MBC© - Master of Business Creation © is the world’s first pioneering business creation study. Master of business creation studies have evolved about 40 new economics specialized advance studies with formulas and hundreds of value assessment techniques and equations. Smartcryptos evolution has become possible only because of MBC© studies creation.

  42. What is the Value Assessment Systems© – VAS©?
    Value Assessment System© - VAS© is a study of values in the universe with thousands of values applications ascribed to anything.

  43. What is the future of crypto currencies?
    Crypto currencies without human intelligence, intrinsic value support systems will perish.

  44. How does the Smartcryptos support Financing for Development?
    Financing for development is the over trumpeted agenda of UNO, IMF, World Bank and others, but honestly, has anything changed? Smartcryptos financing for development is based on human intelligence and developments, which are not the agenda of such organizations.

  45. How can Smartcryptos help countries improve revenues?
    Human intelligence Smartcryptos projects will help countries improve revenues.

  46. How can Smartcryptos help Africa?
    Poverty alleviation programs of Smartcryptos along with human intelligence Smartcryptos projects can make Africa flourish.

  47. What is the Smartcryptos’ role in any monetary system?
    Human intelligence in any monetary system will go a long way in making the world a better place to live.

  48. What is the economic impact of Smartcryptos?
    All economic models are more or less similar all over the world, where only control, never human intelligence is the order of the day. Smartcryptos will change that.

  49. What is Smartcryptos Human Intelligence foundation?
    Human life and money in a civilized society are inseparable, but money and human life is controlled by other factors and never by human intelligence. Smartcryptos Human Intelligence foundation is systematic building blocks of human reasoning to make human life better. This the first time in the universe human intelligence has become the conscious choice of foundation for human life. Smartcryptos are the ultimate human intelligence foundation.

  50. How many language Smartcryptos are there?
    We bringing out 30 languages worldwide.

  51. What are the frequently asked questions?
    None. So We asked ourselves frequently most brainy questions and gave brainer answers to shut up and work on progress.

  52. What is Web 4?
    Web 4 is Smart Web, with a new tech named " BROAD CHAIN©" which will facilitate Human Intelligence development Web. BROAD CHAIN© will work for Human intelligence interactive web.

  53. How is Smart Web4 different from web 1,2 and 3? Web 1,2,3 are knowledge web, knowledge internet. Smart Web 4 is human intelligence web, intelligent internet.

  54. What will Smart Web 4 do?
    Improve constantly human intelligence by interactions.

  55. What will Smart Web 4 not do?
    Produce babies. Only humans are capable of that.

  56. What about Broad Chain©? By the way, is it the old wine in a new bottle?
    That is the trouble. When we sincerely evolve a new tech and name it Broad Chain© to clearly differentiate between the Block chain and the Broad chain©, out comes the insincere, “is it the old wine in the new bottle?” Our answer is broad can never be blocked and blocks can never be broad.

  57. So, Smart Web 4© is the ultimate web?
    Oh! No, there are evolutions that cannot be stopped, when we have designs for web 5, web 6, web 7, web 8, web 9 and web 10 with applications architectures, applied configurations, work definitions and new machines mechanizations, imagine rest of the world working. Smart Web 4© is not the ultimate web. Definitely not. But, the core of Smart Web 4© and Broad Chain © will be the foundation for a lot of future works.

  58. What is Applications Architectures?
    Applications architecture as the name suggests is a project’s elaborate applications, uses and the structure. It is an execution strategy chart.

  59. What is Applied Configurations? Applied Configurations is a master plan of the individual components taken from Applications architecture. These are physical components creation strategy.

  60. What is Work Definitions?
    Work Definitions are all components’ and overall projects’ work definitions. So that maximum work efficiency can be tested even before the commencement of the project.

  61. What is New Machines Mechanizations?
    New Machines Mechanizations is pre - structural fulfillment of prototypes. Here overall possibility and required missing technology are focused upon. The missing technology required is broken down to simple steps of possibilities against overall impossibility. Completion of New Machines Mechanizations is the completion of the project itself. This gives all the inputs required along with the new technology, completely doing away with trial and error approach of new project accomplishment.

  62. What is the Smartcryptos ICO target?
    One billion US$ in tranches of 100 million US $.

  63. What is the logic behind valuation?
    One million investors with 100 $ per head – 10 Smartcryptos per investor. All Smartcryptos projects are having trillion dollar market scalability and with just 100 million USD the great tip of the Smartcryptos mountain will be revealed. (We will raise 10 million investors with 100 USD each / one billion USD, which is no big deal to establish human intelligence Smartcryptos as a future of humanity. This can be done within a few Indian cities as intelligence and education are always on top priority and a must of every Indian. Every Indian knows human intelligence is the only way to succeed. what is required here is a strategy understanding where a new crypto currency is appreciated by a few foreign investors because the of the origin of crypto coins being American and European, then the go straight to the market will succeed without much effort.)

  64. What is the total availability of Smartcryptos?
    As much as human intelligence requires.

  65. What is the total capital target?
    One Trillion $.

  66. How are Smartcryptos mined?
    Only by human participation.

  67. What are the value enhancers for Smartcryptos?
    Human intelligence

  68. What is Smartcryptos wallet?
    Physical digital wallet©.

  69. How is it different form other wallets?
    Not merely digital but physical as well. World ‘s first physical digital wallet invention©.

  70. How are Smartcryptos exchanged?
    Through any efficient crypto exchanges.

  71. What are the Smartcryptos financial innovations/inventions?
    Smartcryptos financial innovations and inventions are many in number, which can be found in all the pages of this website. All the regulatory platform of Smartcryptos are the harbingers and beacon of all regulatory frame works ever created by government controlled fiat currencies, central banks of governments, IPO regulations, ICO regulations and banking regulations all over the world. Project shareholding - Smartcryptos can be tied to projects and the percentage can be the choice of the owner of Smartcryptos and this will get the direct profits from the projects, multiverse option, maximum-security value guard, Max returns metered risk MRMR, Vault within vault meter, Human intelligence indicators, all will protect Smartcryptos from going bust always.

  72. What are the new regulatory parameters created by Smartcryptos?
    Proof of project, Multiverse option, Maximum security value guard, Initial investment baseline security, Max returns metered risk - MrMr, Vault within vault meter, Bank with Brain Collateral Bank account and more.

  73. What is Smartcryptos XR?
    XR is extended reality. XR is the latest and ahead of virtual reality - VR and agumented reality -AR. VR and AR are for fun and games. XR is for real work.

  74. Are language Smartcryptos interchangeable between languages?
    Yes by buy – sell transactions only.

  75. How are Smartcryptos converted to fiat cash?
    Just like any finance through exchanges.

  76. How long will it take?
    Instantaneous value based exchange.

  77. What is Smartcryptos entrepreneurship?
    Smartcryptos based entrepreneurship programs are all new inventions and innovations based programs only. That is to say ordinary business without anything new cannot become Smartcryptos entrepreneurship.

  78. What is Smartcryptos insurance scheme?
    All Smartcryptos insurance programs are intellectual property based insurance schemes.

  79. What is value evaluation?
    Value Evaluation is the single most vital ingredient for human intelligence development. All the value exchanges are always done by only human beings and never by machines. In Bubble Cryptocurrencies right from Bit Coin to the last latest crypto coin value evaluation of everything is lost. If by some strange coincidence the bubble cryptos takeover the human life completely then the value evaluation intelligence will be gone from the human race. In machine mining of crypto currencies there is absolutely no intelligence involved ever. Value evaluation is also human relationship, love, affection, ethics, work, knowledge, time and effort and just about everything in human life. The greatest yard stick of human value evaluation is money and bubble crypto currencies whatever said and done are destined to burst because they lack human intelligence altogether but humans are the consumers.

  80. What is the artificial intelligence’s work?
    Ai- Artificial intelligence’s work is to end human intelligence work.

  81. What threat Ai is posing?
    Make human intelligence meaningless and useless.

  82. What will happen if Ai is a major work force?
    Human intelligence will become useless first, next human intelligence evolution will stop altogether.

  83. What will happen to human intelligence?
    Next generation of humanity will become idiots. Human efficiency will hit the lowest. Like the current generation cannot even do a simple addition and subtraction without a calculator a lot ordinary things cannot be done without Ai.

  84. How will Ai take over?
    Ai has already taken over computer, internet, robotics fields. Soon Ai will take over manufacturing, finance, medical fields.

  85. Why do big companies promote Ai?
    Because they want to automate everything, Ai with robotics will do any job perfectly than human beings can ever do. More over in the longer run profitability will skyrocket, for machines will not demand wages for the work done.

  86. What is the world doing for Hi?
    Nothing. Some concerned voices are heard now and then, but people do not know what to do.

  87. What is Smartcryptos pioneering Hi work?
    Smartcryptos is human intelligence.

  88. What is Smartcryptos human intelligence equation?
    Smartcryptos Human Intelligence Equations are perfectly adhered to general financial parameters because the financial systems developed are all the products of human intelligence. Hi Smartcryptos are always about value additions to human intelligence without disregarding the existing, proven value systems. Thus, Smartcryptos are subject to demands and supply equations with an important addition to the market analytics called human intelligence. Smartcryptos market will be human intelligence indicators. Human intelligence up or down will be the actual results at any given time for Smartcryptos value indicators. Smartcryptos human intelligence equations are collective human intelligence indicators on verities of subjects covering all aspects of human life. Smartcryptos human intelligence indicator is the most valuable indicator for the future of humanity. The Smartcryptos human intelligence indicator – Hii will work on everything human.

  89. What are Smartcryptos app developments?
    Smartcryptos have developed over 1000 fields of intelligence and myriad of subfields of intelligence protocols. Based on these protocols the apps can be developed.

  90. What is Smartcryptos nonfungible asset?
    This is an important work of Smartcryptos where all human intelligence confluence to any problem solving. What is the use of intelligence if it cannot understand, identify and solve problems. All original works of intelligence and all value additions even a minute value addition will become a nonfungible asset and any commercialization will get monetized for the creator. This Smartcryptos human intelligence-consulting hub will take some time to grow, as it is a huge marathon work of gathering all the problem solving intelligence.

  91. What is Smartcryptos science?
    Smartcryptos science is Human life science, Human intelligence science, Taking care of humans’ science. The human approaches measurements science with creative inquiries, documentation, problems and solutions for the welfare of humans.

  92. What is smartonomics?
    Smartonomics is not only about Smartcryptos money science but is about general economics and worldwide financial philosophies and intelligent management.

  93. As for Smart web 4, what can be more valuable than what web giants are capable of? My God! Who asked that? What a brainy question. “What can be more valuable than what web giants are capable of?” The alter ego tries to look humble with, of course, a bright halo. Oh! My! My! My! Web Giants they do send spine-chilling shivers with their developments to everybody. But we all know today's giants were yesterday's startups and we also know, for David, Goliath the giant was never a threat. Amen.

  94. How can Smartcryptos help in poverty alleviation?
    Smarcryptos have created over 1000 Hi poverty alleviating programs, which are not only poverty annihilating but also human intelligence honing programs.

  95. What is Smart Bank?
    Smart bank is a regular financial banking office where Smartcryptos is the prime money. Smartcryptos with Smart Bank checkbook facility, debit card facility, fixed deposit, recurring deposit, loan facilities on deposits, transfer facilities, physical digital wallet issues and maintenances.

  96. What does human intelligence do in crypto mining?
    In all crypto mining human intelligence do not play any role. Only in Smartcryptos human intelligence work.

  97. Are cryptocurrencies mining done by AI – Artificial Intelligence?
    No. All cryptocurrencies are mined by computers which are automated, no artificial intelligence is required. No human intelligence is required, no intelligence of any kind is required. ( this gives out a lot of information, all those investors in the crypto coins are educated, computer literate, moneyed people who are okay to invest where there no intelligence?? Eyes widening Brrrrr, Phew… hard to believe… but then life is funny).

  98. Why are you against Ai?
    Nobody is against Ai as long as Ai is used for the good of the humanity, without any profit motive. The minute profit becomes the motive than it is exploiting humanity by totally annihilating human intelligence.

  99. But Ai will do a better work for humans. Won't they?
    When human intelligence is annihitated, humans will never know what is better or what is worst.

  100. Ai is not annihilating human intelligence, Ai is simply better than human intelligence and of course profit has to be there in commerce, for a substandard work you pay humans, for the best work of Ai you say "profit motive" Is it right?
    Of course, humans are imperfect and that includes you, proponent of Ai. Ai is not annihilating human intelligence? Absolutely wrong. Human imperfections are the seeds of betterment and evolution©. When Ai takes over, seeds of evolution are completely taken away from humans©. In just one generation, people, our children will become dumb.

  101. Everything is human made What is there to complain?
    Crypto currency is internet money. So is Decentralized finance. So is Block chain. Machine learning, deep learning, AI - artificial intelligence all these are not for human intelligence. But human intelligence made crypto currencies, decentralized finance, block chain, machine learning, deep learning, AI are all wonderful developments made by a handful of people to make the world full of people DUMB.

  102. This is too much hype and comes from over imagination.
    Too much hype? Please wake up. We, the present generation are the best examples of what have made us dumb when compared to the previous generations. 1. Life style diseases are modern. People 100 years back walked a lot and did a lot of physical work also never had life style diseases, which are the rootcause of 90% of diseases. 2. Calculators have made humans dumb by totally doing away with human abilities to do calculations. Now even a simple addition and subtractions are difficult and confusing to everyone. 3. Memory has lost its usefulness and lack of memory is making people dumb. When landline phones were in use, most important telephone numbers were memorized by people or at least written down for safekeeping. These are totally gone. This ability of human kind to retain and recall numbers and the abilities to remember abstract relationship between numbers and things are lost. 4. Medical abilities have vanished and making people dumb. A 96 year old doctor who was still practicing and was having a very enviable practice was a friend of mine though the age difference was over 60 years. This doc had served in World War 2 battlefields. He used to lament that present day doctors have no sense and totally lost the ability of touch diagnosis. He was upset about medical education’s evolution. Without any medical tests he used to diagnose every human aliment including cancer just by touch. With all the medical advancements, the ability of humans to diagnose is gone. One day my friend went to a newly opened shopping mall in the area with his wife. In the highly polished floor, he slipped and fell down and broke his back. In the hospital, he smiled and whispered feebly, “They do not know, I told you so” and said “take care”. A few days later, I lost a good friend forever. Like these, there are thousands of fields where human abilities got lost. All these have happened with mere tools. There is absolutely no escaping from Ai advancements and humans becoming dumber. Smartcryptos directly working for and with human intelligence is absolutely important for human intelligence – Hi.

  103. What is Smartcryptos democracy?
    For the first time in the world of humans, true democracy is born with Smartcryptos. In simple words, in capitalism all is for profit, where rich and poor is approved way of existence. In socialism, all profit is for the state. Power and powerless along with rich and poor is approved. In government controlled finance, be it any policy it is the same old story. Smartcryptos money is Cooperative federalism a true democracy in finance.

  104. What is the framework of money control?
    Money is controlled by governments. There are world organizations for monetary controls and now IMF wants to take control of cryptocurrencies and intial coin offerings - ICOs.

  105. Smartcryptos is a new concept in ICO, what will make it worthwhile for investors? Smartcryptos is a new human intelligent economics which is the best of both the worlds, crypto technology and human intelligence. The very basic idea of all crypto coins and initial coin offering- ICO is to bring to life extraordinary and futuristic concepts to benefit humanity. Any and all established big multinational corporations will never go for ICO or for that matter create a parallel monetary system, simply for the fear of losing what has been achieved. No matter what, there are very many avenues of finance. Everywhere investors look for security with best returns on investment. For Smartcryptos both security and best returns on investment can be fixed by investors. Smartcryptos maximum-security value guard, initial investment baseline security and ROI can be fixed by the investors. There are many options to qualify investments according to the needs of individual investors.

  106. Already there over 12000 crypto coins in the world and 1000 new crypto coins are brought out every month and all are in the ICO market. In such a scenario where will be Smartcrypto coins?
    All crypto coins/tokens are mined only by computers or machine mining, whereas, Smartcryptos are mined only with human intelligence, will always enhance human intelligence, will monetize everything human intelligence, make everyone intelligent, will make Smartcryptos ICO more acceptable than the rest. Human intelligence – Hi Smartcryptos being the most sensible of all crypto investments, will make sense to a lot of people. Hopefully (tic - tongue in cheek).

  107. TRILLION DOLLAR SMARTCRYPTOS - this appears over hyped, over ambitious.
    Can you explain?
    It is heartening to know some feel that Smartcryptos are over hyped. This proves our finding that people are not considering themselves intelligent. When individuals running limited businesses like online commerce, mobile phones, electric cars, internet companies, and nations without any salvations for its people are trillion dollar economies, world’s first human intelligence Smartcryptos with enormous numbers of IP assets of over two trillion dollars and human intelligence Smartcrypto coins and human languages Smartcrypto coins, trillion dollar economy is in fact is grossly undervalued for Smartcryptos. 1. With US$ 5 trillion spent every year on education worldwide (Ref UNESCO), 2. With 9 trillion US$ on healthcare worldwide ( Ref World Health Organization ) 3. Higher education market of 2.5 trillion US$ (Ref UNESCO HIGHER EDUCATION GLOBAL DATA REPORT) 4. The global real estate market size reached US$ 7,063 Billion in 2022( Ref IMARC) . Just four of Smartcryptos pioneering projects Language Smartcryptos - education in entirety©, Smartcryptos ExEx Schools©, Smartcryptos RECOSYSSAT© ( Real estate Eco system Satellite), Smartcryptos Health for All© each is a trillion dollar project. We know our business.

  108. What is the financial advantage in the investment of Smartcryptos?

  109. Language Smartcryptos is a massive languages based, educational project for every language of the world benefiting the entire human race.
    How will it be implemented?
    As for the language education and education in general, it is always the individual national governments’ agenda where UNESCO, WORLD BANK, INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND, WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION AND NATIONAL GOVERNMENTS play pivotal roles with US$ 5 trillion spent every year on education worldwide (Ref UNESCO Trillion dollar Language Smartcryptos - education in entirety© with world’s first language grammar games with the future Nobel Prize winning knowledge grammar and mind grammar and over 200 new games invented for intelligence honing and literacy propagations with language Smartcryptos mining will bring worldwide change in education.

  110. What are Knowledge and Mind Grammars about?
    Future Nobel Prize winning works of Knowledge Grammar and Mind Grammar This work is a prospective Nobel Prize-winning pioneering work. This is the first time ever a human language is introduced with intelligence building grammar beyond the mere construction of words and sentences, with thinking, intelligence building, creativity and brain understanding grammar. If a language possesses a grammar to perfect intelligence and teaches everyone to be intelligent, brainy, creative, innovative, inventive, then imagine the future of its people.

  111. About the Nobel Prize prospects for new grammars of language - whoever gave the idea? And why should it make any sense to the world?
    The NEW GRAMMAR OF KNOWLEDGE AND MIND is a work, which has absolutely no parallel in the history of humanity and the benefits it will bestow on the human race. This is a fact and the reference to Nobel Prize is not to gain any impression but to highlight the nature of this work. To be honest, no other work since the invention of language will have such a profound impact on the human race, as it is the sum total of all human creativity far beyond any one prize winning work.
    Research. Pure research and data analysis gave the idea that this work of new grammar will win the Nobel Prize for literature and also confirmed that there is absolutely no parallel to this work in the history of Nobel Prize and in the history of languages of the world. This need not make any sense to the world. But the hope is, like so many things, like, personal computers, internet, smart phones, new grammar will make sense to the people as it gives humanity a better future and of course, there is language crypto coins mining as rewards, to make more sense.

    This may sound funny for the impatient - few - seconds - only focusing generation. Once upon a time, about a couple of decades back, and back, and back to a million years, people spent hugely enormous extent of time, intently focusing on things, many things, asked trillions upon trillion questions to find answers. This world, our world has evolved to this extent, only by these questions and the answers they found. So the world’s first human intelligence Smartcryptos will have undergo the process.

Smartcryptos Human Intelligence foundation

Human intelligence starts with inquisitiveness. Right from birth inquisitiveness takes over life of every human, well just not limiting to human but all life forms will be the correct declaration. Only this inquisitiveness begins all searches. Ask, ask why, ask how, ask when, ask where, ask what, ask questions, ask answers, ask. Answer, answers for why, answers for how, answers for what, answers for when, answers for where, answers for questions, answers for answer. Entire sum total of everything in the universe has accrued to humanity because of asking and finding answers, questions and answers, enquiring and solving, probing and finding, searching and resolving, analyzing and arriving, examining and empowering, studying and explaining, observing and learning, investigating and clarifying, considering and expounding, examining and spotting, judging and adjudicating, diagnosing and curing, everything is question and answer.

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